Sunday, April 03, 2005


For some time i've been working two jobs and kin do ignoring my hopes to do the freelance graphic design thing. It pretty dman hard to bring everything together especially ifyou're trying to work from above the table and still retain thigns such as royalties. Enough whining! I've been reading and listening to several different soucres of books and tapes trying to get inspiration. I've been reading a few trade publications and was thinking that maybe I need to boost my confidence when it comes to these sorts of things. I was looking to get incorporated but I think I'm going to seak professional advice since i'm not really setup and ready to make money or deliver a product to eh market. I have a few friends that have the entreprenuerial spirit. Its spring now so at least I won't have to dig mysel fout of a lunch meeting or get stuck when leave one of my many jobs. Nuff Said