Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Nasty Man

This little guy has been sitting in my drawing books and in my portfolio for the longest. The name is "The Nasty Man" and its kinda symbolic of my style. I keep thing really simple. The character has potential. I know it looks south parkish, but this ain't no damn Cartman! Anyway to those who follow my blog ro know me don't be surprized if you see me wearing apparel with this little guy on here. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Life of a freelance graphic artist

Whew! I had a couple of days off and pounded away at one logo for a client. With teh helpof some friends I got off to a good foot. I hope she likes t becasue i would like to get paid beofre 2006 if you know what I mean. This shit can be so frustrating doing pretty much everything on your own. Although, there is a wierd sort of fulfillment to it. Anyway, I'm very happy to be making progess in that dept. There hasn't been much in theway of work since I moved into my new plce. jut getting a work area setup has been a challenge. That's enough for now my mood is happy for the time being. Time to go Push some panties!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

-dub & Jerr pt. 2. Jerr trying to read the stores across the stadium. Posted by Picasa

-dub- and jerr Posted by Picasa

-dub-, My bro Jerrm and Mike Mizzo Tail Gaiting. Posted by Picasa

This grown man is buttpumping the Bengals Storm Trooper while he's trying to do his duty and take a picture with this young boy and he gets fanny plastered!! Posted by Picasa

Always take time to smell the roses or look at a nice ass! Posted by Picasa

Derrick, Me, and Killa Rich in the background with teh open mouth. Getting ready to enter Paul Brown Stadium. Posted by Picasa