Have you ever just wondered if we need or own personal referee for our everdy lives? I mean if we get out of hand and or treated unfair or wronged in some way. Maybe we could have wierd calls like, "intentional frowning." Or maybenot to have a full scale officiating team for your everyday life, but only when it counts. Like when you have a big decision to make, or when you're in a heatd debate with someone. You should be able to throw the challenge flag when you think you need a review. Case in point, when you get pulled over for a ticket and you were speeding. You should be able to throw the challenge flag on the cops to see if it was actually you that was speeding. Or if you make a bad call on a personal decision like wearing the right colored shoes. If someone comes by and says some pure moronic gem like, "Wow those shoes are nice. Are they new?" Knowing full well that you've had this pair of shoes for nine months. You should be able to hit the jerk with a "False Start" penalty and make he or she repeat thierself. The penalty would be a kickin that nuts. Of course the accused can choose to challenge the play, but only if he or she sincerely believed the shoes where new. The referee would have to reivew the play to see how the person truly felt when they hit you with the obvious lame call.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Creativity Is Genius
I had the hardest time coming up with some sort of slogan or branding tool for my company. I was thinking that it had to be straight to the point, yet leave room for someone as artsy as myself. So I came up with "Creativity is Genius". The end goal was to be able to apply that phrase not only to the graphic design portion of my business, but also to the whole branding experience that may come with the company. I'm interesting in all sorts of design from product design to architectural design. I'm hoping that we can take the company to the next level and branch out and begin to use the slogal more or less as the brand for the company.
The Company name in Krieger Imaging & Multmedia, LLC, "Creativity Is Genius"
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8:25 PM
Dairy of a Mad Pomeranian
Ok, so I've had this whacky idea for a comic strip about an angry pomeranian. I've sat on this since 2001. I got to think recently that I have a lot of ideas and never really expound on them. So here it is. No promises, and no guarantees. I'm going to finally produce the strip. A little inof or background on the history of Chino the Angry Pomeranian. First off this character was concieved on Sept. 11th 2001. Of course this is a very emotionally and politically charged day for the United States. Amidst the circumstances I was talking with a friend about anti-terrorism operations. One way to cope with such extreme situations is humor. By making a character it would allow me to apply my anger and cynicism in a more postitive or at least more understandable way. My me, I love totake things that are at least considered normal and make them more than what they are. The thought of an angry pomerian that fights terrorism is kind of silly. I don't quite know if its funny, but I thought it was. then I got to thinking. What if my character was totally politically incorrect? I know its been done before, but what if all the characters around him were equally crooked? They would all be animals or something that some what resembles an animal. For example, Chino is a pretty high strung cheeky character that because of his size and resemblance to a chiguagua is accuse of being Mexican. Although in pop culture we associate one with the other. So he's usually hit with all sorts of stereotypes from spanish speaking people asking him to roll-over to people asking him for the Taco-Bell dog's autograph. I'm sure its been done before, but i'mhoping the mix of humor along with the different character's interactions. I've already had roughs on about 6 differenet characters. I hope to push out at least two strips a month. It may be too big of a taking, but I'll perhaps make it a blog to get faster feedback on the strip itself. I'll put a few posts up with the drafts as i get them
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6:28 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Taxi Cab Expressions
Ok, so to expound on my experience I'm learning that one should not give ride to chick who has frucked your friend. Yes I said frucked! Let's give this woman the alias of Tom Cruise. So Tom has been banging my buddy, hmm, let's give him the tag of Boris Yeltson. Now Tom was telling me how great Boris is and all. Previously Tom had the hots for me but I'm not into tom like that. Please bare with me and follow along. We're still cool you know, so its no biggie. Now I've known Boris for a long time so I'm happy for the both of them. Well come to find out old Tom isn't as happy as he said before and think that Boris is smothering him. If you ask me tom has had his fill of Boris and wants a new bitchling. So I'm out I hang out with Tom a little bit. Tom is a bit pushy and is used to getting its way. Tom has a hot friend and her codename will be Black Eye. Now Black Eye had a little bit much to drink when I met it. Fast forward, Black Eye is embarrassingly drunk and Tom Cruise is acting like he didn't get it drunk. Poor Black Eye, he didnt' have a chance. you ko wyou're drunk when you dance like Jackie Chanin the "Drunken Master". Now let's rip another hole in the fabric of time to my getting call about them being lost. Tom Says that they are lost downtown. Mind you they are just walking two blocks, TWO BLOCKS! How do you get lost going two blocks? who the fuck does that? Ok, back to reality. They are lost. So I say I'll give you guys a ride home. Mindyou just being a good samaritan. I don't want pussy payments. They were both drunk and there's no need to try to get home on a full stomach of redheaded sluts....ugh!!!
While in the car old Tom gives me that look like He wants some. This is where this blog gets wierd. I'm thinking to myself, "Tom just last week was Fucking Boris Yeltson? He really thinks he's gonna get me in bed. The nerve, now that's a missiong impossible!" So Tom immediatly re-enrolls himself into his kindergarten class and starts fiddling with shitin the car and arguing with Black Eye about dumb shit. I put up with it for about 15 minutes then I feel that wierd pressure that usually comes before you start bleeding at the ears. I turn the music up hoping to avoid these two banchees rattling off thier nonsense about who's hotter. then they start arguing then the conversation turns to me. Now they are drunk and I'm using all the power of the force that yoda taught me but i can't resist. I tell Tom Cruise he's a brat. Tom immediately gets quiet after acting like a brat. After pouting for a while. I finally get Tom and Black Eye to thier house., and Black Eye eludes to that fact the it wants a peice of this. Yeah that's convienient. I could've gotten some road head for the trouble. Now lets keep score.
1. I gave the great Tom Cruise the spouse of Boris Yeltson my friend, and Black Eye a ride home.
2. Tom Cruise acts like a 3 year old biotch whole ride home.
3. After alerting Tom Cruise to his adolesant behavior he takes out his herion needle to shoot up.
4. Tom thinks its going to pay me in sex. (Bad move Tom, You're boning my boy Boris)
5. I almost stopped the truck and kicked both thier black ops asses out of the truck!
Posted by
12:36 PM
Just who the hell are you?
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11:08 AM