Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you insane? If so, then welcome!


There will be no definitions in the classic sense.
You are always to mishaps from being insane.
Its good to be insane, however brief you are.
Its ok to lose it every now and then. Just don't
Take people with you. The next time you're in
Line for a long time at a bank or sitting at stop
Light that seems to bleed red onto the pavement
From the fixture above think about going insane.
The catch is that you can only going insane for
Five to ten seconds. If you're Carl Lewis fast you
May be able to do damage, but most of us will
be done as soon as we realize what we're

Enjoy your insanity!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tackle the Tiger

When approaching a task that seems to large just imagine it’s a tiger.
Now when hunting a tiger you usually go get better tools than your fist.
You've heard the analogy about how to eat an elephant.
Don’t' eat it, kill it first! You'll much better tools. Ask yourself what do you
Need to get the job done. You and rifle versus tiger is a much better match-up!