Friday, November 18, 2005

2:20 am I stay home and trouble still finds me.

So I was chatting witha friend on the phone and then I hung up and put on the headphones. I'm still working on my biz site. I got Lil'Jon's "I don't give a Fuck " playing on itunes. I'm rocking with teh phones blasting thinking of flash and online shopping carts. I hear faintly in the background, "Help!". Now mind you I'm listening to ah song where the lyrics in the chorus are "I don't give a fuck nigga!". So I hear again, "I don't give a fuck nigga!!" I'm sleeping but not that shleepy and I know there's no remix. Think it was my neighbor I go to the door. Didn't sound like him. I was puzzled. He was downstairs so I figure my downstairs neighbor maybe drunk and jsut locked out or something. Then as I cautiously open the door and I see in the front windows the reflection of a guy laying on the floor. What the fuck? I don't know this man. "Help me brotha please, my legs is broke". This guy's ankle was making a turn without the rest of his damn lower leg. I jump on the phone get 911 over here. I got to open the door so that the cops will know where the guy is and as I come out two patrolman approching. "Please take your hand outof your pocket!", "Take your hand out of pocket!". So being a smart ass I say, "Don't worry its just my semi-automatic cordless phone". The nerve of the pair. One cop was older in his 40's the other had to be my age... The old one is cool. Hanging back as I would. After seeing the guy on the ground he dismisses me as a pro would, but the youngin' is still looking at my pocket. LOL! I had the phone hanging out of my pocket. He's casing me and I called them! This didnt' escalate into anything but I thought it was funny that he thought my phone was a hand held rocket laucher! After thuroughly inspecting my AK-Aiwa corless machine phone, he proceeded to badger the guy with the macaroni ankle. If you would've seenthis guys leg you'd thought you were watching a Jet Li movie or Steve Segal doing the whole eblow break thing he does. After about 15 minutes of this man crying in the lobby he was gone and I'm writing this blog chuckling becasue my neighbors are home, awake, and this guy was going to get no help... The next time I ahve to call the cops I'll be sure to come out with my Scream mask and Waffle irom swinging so they can tell me to "Drop the scary waffles sir!!!".