On a warm Thursday night a mass of humanity gathered in a baseball field in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
To keep it short, this huge puppet represents a very angry old man who just hates everything. Now
this may not be the defintion, but I just don't think it matters. This flaming giant sheet man seems to
have a similar to the burning man in Nevada. There are profanities launched at the hanger strung
grandpa, and little children are sitting on their parents shoulders getting contact highs from the smoking
going on. Fast forward 45 minutes and they finally light Zozo, and the heat from the burn can be felt
hundreds of yards away as the wind shifts toward us. I did like the fire dancers, but when I think of branding
or the way I see this event I can't help to think of how anti-fire New Mexico is. The area is more moisture laden than the southern part of New Mexico, but I'd say set all the tumble weeds on fire and wear sheets and
moan like Zozo. You've got to love being able to watch a little bit of arson so set off the fall season and bring
in the harvest.
I say burn that puppet, and burn it every year as long as you can get people to pay $10 a pop.