My research was limited, however I have an acquaintance that actually wanted to work for Blackwater which made this story stick out to me. I've seen a few movies with this same premise. Men with guns (usually American operatives of some kind) shoot into crowd after being shot at. Don't look for an Oliver Stone breakdown of what happened. I didn't spend much time on this one. As far as branding or assembling the message and making an example of all Americans this is interesting. After listening to a myriad of interviews with the U.S. commander in charge (no you don't need to know his name) this is clearly a smear campaign. I'll remove the politics and global geopolitical items from this. Here's you preschool level look at this.
What is Blackwater?
I lied, I will go Oliver Stone your ass. :0)
U.S. in Iraq. (U.S. Bad bad country)
U.S. win initial fight. (U.S. Bad bad country)
Iraqi army trade in uniforms and begin to use civilian as cover. (Iraqis fighting to be free)
Iraqi soldiers all of a sudden in league with Bora bora Man. (Iraqis can kill innocent people whenever they want. It's in the Koran waiver agreement)
Saddam caught and buys time. (U.S. weak for not killing him: Being familiar with the symbolism of his capture begins to embolden allies to fight through defiance) (U.S. still Bad bad country) (Attribute this to the lack of utilities and infrastructure.) During this time foreign civilians being beheaded and the like. (Iraqis and world equate this to telling a child the fire is hot and they touch it anyway) (of course no non-Iraqi has sign the before mentioned waiver)
All throughout this time the presumed pay day by the scheduled war has been realized for some and just out of reach for others. (U.S. Bad bad country) (just like 9/11 the Al Quiada influence is delayed) (Of course when the course of action is laid out they resume scheduled marketing to the poor & hungry) Blackwater (along with hundreds of other firms enter Iraq) (It's likely this organization was there before the well hyped "Shock and Awe" shindig) (Blackwater bad bad firm)
Anti-Bush section of the world want Bush to leave Iraq. (Bad Bush, poor guy probably didn't know that occupying a nation mean you HAVE to be there and you HAVE to continue whatever abuse that keeps the people in line) (Either way, U.S. bad bad country.)
Bush Evil man, now sees this is lose - lose situation. Democrats cry "Get out of Iraq" (this take four year, but now the ball is rolling)
Iranians want to get hands on Iraq. (Iran other country the Saddam kept at bay, Thanks Saddam!)
Most of guns come from Iran, not Russia & China. (Of course they probably came from those countries initially.) Iran has more influence than Al-quaida. (this is problem for U.S.) ( Now the once faceless, stateless enemy is revealed) Bombs still go off and bread lines and police departments. (Iran & AQ no want people to have jobs. Then they wouldn't need them)
If Iran supports AQ they can be tracked. (AQ needs waiver now because they need to blow up people faster to kill paper trail)
Blackwater protect all forms of delegates. (BW hasn't had many altercations that are news worthy.)
SumDumbGuy shoot at Blackwater and hide in crowd. (Remember the shield waiver)
This coincides with troop withdrawal. (Now Prime Binister can Brand ALL foreign security forces)
Media follows story like dog to another dogs butt. (Bad dog, get out of my butt!) (BW now grouped with U.S. Military and now can bet moved through political leverage.)
Blackwater now is target and will introduce a comprehensive sweep and removal of most if not all security forces. (Goodbye Green zone)
Here's a look at Blackwater from an associate of "The Nation"
Here's a stark parallel from a video game.
Branding at its best! The first link will bread crumb you to a more thorough story.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Branding: Blackwater Smear Campaign
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: attack, Bin laden, Blackwater, Bush, campaign, Civilians, Democrats, Iran, Iraq, Oliver Stone, Self-Defense, Shooting, smear, Terror, Withdrawal
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