So what are you trying to tell me? Seriously I'd like to know. There's the obvious thing of which I'm sure you've seen. Now let's talk about the messages we send. I just came in contact with "The Secret" and was thinking to myself, "Man, that's branding on a cosmic scale!" What about the lady? For one, there's nothing significant about this person I don't know her, but slumming through myspace always nets such unusual results. Do you think this person has trouble getting a date? I doubt it, but why? That's right, the "bait and switch" at it's best. What would help this lass would be the slow motion camera. Often used for automobile commercials to show that the truck with a slightly different fender is now new and improved and can tow a freight train (dramatization) all by itself. Transfer this message to a human being. If you have a V8 in your truck of course you'll be able to pull heavy stuff. If you have large breasts of course you can lift heavy stuff. If you need a more sleek look to match current trends then you'll round off corners to give your truck a newer look, feel, and ride depending on aerodynamics. If you want a new look just slap on a push-up bra to give you that "New Tit Feeling" that the ladies love. So that's the message right? "Like a rock" & "Built Ford Tough"?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So what are you trying to tell me?
Timing - You have to love it.
This literally brought me to tears.
I'm sure that I'm one of many fans of the movies, and maybe I'm getting to this one long after it was created. With that said, I can't tell you what a tear jerking stomach pumping laugh that I got out of this clip. All I can say is timing. The movies were known for their awful cut scenes and almost epic cinematography. There was never a build up during the movies that would really pull much emotion of the the viewer. Not to take anything away from the feat of just completing the film during that period, notice the effect you get when you put a little spin on things.
This would be make go Jason Bourne on Vader's Ass! :0)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Branding: Blackwater Smear Campaign
My research was limited, however I have an acquaintance that actually wanted to work for Blackwater which made this story stick out to me. I've seen a few movies with this same premise. Men with guns (usually American operatives of some kind) shoot into crowd after being shot at. Don't look for an Oliver Stone breakdown of what happened. I didn't spend much time on this one. As far as branding or assembling the message and making an example of all Americans this is interesting. After listening to a myriad of interviews with the U.S. commander in charge (no you don't need to know his name) this is clearly a smear campaign. I'll remove the politics and global geopolitical items from this. Here's you preschool level look at this.
What is Blackwater?
I lied, I will go Oliver Stone your ass. :0)
U.S. in Iraq. (U.S. Bad bad country)
U.S. win initial fight. (U.S. Bad bad country)
Iraqi army trade in uniforms and begin to use civilian as cover. (Iraqis fighting to be free)
Iraqi soldiers all of a sudden in league with Bora bora Man. (Iraqis can kill innocent people whenever they want. It's in the Koran waiver agreement)
Saddam caught and buys time. (U.S. weak for not killing him: Being familiar with the symbolism of his capture begins to embolden allies to fight through defiance) (U.S. still Bad bad country) (Attribute this to the lack of utilities and infrastructure.) During this time foreign civilians being beheaded and the like. (Iraqis and world equate this to telling a child the fire is hot and they touch it anyway) (of course no non-Iraqi has sign the before mentioned waiver)
All throughout this time the presumed pay day by the scheduled war has been realized for some and just out of reach for others. (U.S. Bad bad country) (just like 9/11 the Al Quiada influence is delayed) (Of course when the course of action is laid out they resume scheduled marketing to the poor & hungry) Blackwater (along with hundreds of other firms enter Iraq) (It's likely this organization was there before the well hyped "Shock and Awe" shindig) (Blackwater bad bad firm)
Anti-Bush section of the world want Bush to leave Iraq. (Bad Bush, poor guy probably didn't know that occupying a nation mean you HAVE to be there and you HAVE to continue whatever abuse that keeps the people in line) (Either way, U.S. bad bad country.)
Bush Evil man, now sees this is lose - lose situation. Democrats cry "Get out of Iraq" (this take four year, but now the ball is rolling)
Iranians want to get hands on Iraq. (Iran other country the Saddam kept at bay, Thanks Saddam!)
Most of guns come from Iran, not Russia & China. (Of course they probably came from those countries initially.) Iran has more influence than Al-quaida. (this is problem for U.S.) ( Now the once faceless, stateless enemy is revealed) Bombs still go off and bread lines and police departments. (Iran & AQ no want people to have jobs. Then they wouldn't need them)
If Iran supports AQ they can be tracked. (AQ needs waiver now because they need to blow up people faster to kill paper trail)
Blackwater protect all forms of delegates. (BW hasn't had many altercations that are news worthy.)
SumDumbGuy shoot at Blackwater and hide in crowd. (Remember the shield waiver)
This coincides with troop withdrawal. (Now Prime Binister can Brand ALL foreign security forces)
Media follows story like dog to another dogs butt. (Bad dog, get out of my butt!) (BW now grouped with U.S. Military and now can bet moved through political leverage.)
Blackwater now is target and will introduce a comprehensive sweep and removal of most if not all security forces. (Goodbye Green zone)
Here's a look at Blackwater from an associate of "The Nation"
Here's a stark parallel from a video game.
Branding at its best! The first link will bread crumb you to a more thorough story.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: attack, Bin laden, Blackwater, Bush, campaign, Civilians, Democrats, Iran, Iraq, Oliver Stone, Self-Defense, Shooting, smear, Terror, Withdrawal
Geico - Oh how I love the way you play with us
I was taking in my usual dose of tv during the weekend when I was attacked by a commercial. Oh this was not just any commercial. It was this kooky commerical with some dolls in it. Now this brands has been a very clever one when I try to remember it from a glance.
There's no need to go into the different gimics because you already know. I'm assuming you do.
All I have to say is that after you watch this clip think how of how creepy her last line is.
Copy & Paste me in your browser:
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Burn baby burn, like a disco Zozobra!"
On a warm Thursday night a mass of humanity gathered in a baseball field in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
To keep it short, this huge puppet represents a very angry old man who just hates everything. Now
this may not be the defintion, but I just don't think it matters. This flaming giant sheet man seems to
have a similar to the burning man in Nevada. There are profanities launched at the hanger strung
grandpa, and little children are sitting on their parents shoulders getting contact highs from the smoking
going on. Fast forward 45 minutes and they finally light Zozo, and the heat from the burn can be felt
hundreds of yards away as the wind shifts toward us. I did like the fire dancers, but when I think of branding
or the way I see this event I can't help to think of how anti-fire New Mexico is. The area is more moisture laden than the southern part of New Mexico, but I'd say set all the tumble weeds on fire and wear sheets and
moan like Zozo. You've got to love being able to watch a little bit of arson so set off the fall season and bring
in the harvest.
I say burn that puppet, and burn it every year as long as you can get people to pay $10 a pop.
Posted by
1:21 AM
Labels: Burning Man, Fall, Fire, New Mexico, New Year, Zozobra
Thursday, September 06, 2007
"I don't have your money!" - Super Sleuth on the west side of Dayton, Ohio
I grew up in Dayton, Ohio and actually lived three blocks from this Wendy's. I'm not expert on what the police department's brand is or the message they want to conveign, but this is an example of how and why police are so scared they don't knwo what to do in most situations.
Copyright, 2001, Cox Ohio Publishing. All rights reserved.
DAYTON - A judge has thrown out a lawsuit by reinstated Dayton police officer Michael McDonald alleging he was slandered and his civil rights violated when he was fired for pepper-spraying a Wendy's employee.
Judge Jeffrey E. Froelich of Montgomery County Common Pleas Court ruled that McDonald could not sue over statements about his actions by Rev. Raleigh Trammell, president of the Dayton chapter of the SCLC, and by former Police Chief Ronald Lowe Sr. during an arbitration hearing. McDonald complained that Trammell said, "I wonder why he didn't think about (being treated unfairly) when he assaulted the young lady." When served with McDonald's complaint, Trammell said "I'm glad he didn't pepper spray me." Lowe said he "believed he (McDonald) was enjoying himself when the incident occurred." Lowe's statements were protected as part of a judicial proceeding and as opinion; Trammell's statements were opinion and "sarcasm and not something the reasonable listener would have heard as a fact," Froelich wrote in his Jan. 23 opinion. "I thought it was groundless from the outset," Trammell said of the lawsuit, won by his attorney, Neil Freund. "It has not intimidated me on that or any other issue I decided to speak out on." Dayton Law Director J. Rita McNeil said, "We're just happy with the outcome, and hopefully we can bring closure to this entire case." Froelich also dismissed McDonald's claim that his firing was excessive, reverse discrimination and a violation of due process. Froelich said McDonald failed to show he got a greater penalty than other officers disciplined for similar acts. The judge also found that the city had justification to fire McDonald, and that binding arbitration, which ordered him reinstated, cured any procedural defect. Elaine Bernstein, McDonald's lawyer, declined comment. McDonald, 36, was suspended without pay July 24, 1998, for arresting and pepper spraying Wendy's employee Brandy Martin, then 17, whom he accused of shortchanging him Feb. 17. He was acquitted of a misdemeanor assault charge, but later placed on leave without pay. In January 2000, Froelich upheld the arbitrator's order to reinstate McDonald. A state appeals court affirmed the ruling March 10 and ordered McDonald reinstated to the Dayton Police Academy. The city paid Martin $60,000 in December 1999 to settle her lawsuit against the city. * Contact Rob Modic at 225-2282 or e-mail rob_modic@coxohio.comCopyright, 2001, Cox Ohio Publishing. All rights rese
Random acts of language
* Will the city of Dayton apologize to Dayton Police Officer Michael McDonald now that three separate courts of law and an independent arbitrator have determined that he did not act inappropriately in pepper-spraying Brandy Martin? I don't think so.
* To the March 29 "Speak Up" caller who said the young girl was wrong to try to fight Officer Michael McDonald at Wendy's: Please don't talk silly. She did not attempt to fight him. He was dead wrong. I don't care what color these two people were, he was wrong!
* Officer Michael McDonald is like a lot of police officers. They think they are above the law and not just there to enforce it. If it had been you or me, we would have been arrested. The cops need to understand that they have no more rights than we do.
* Our roads were never designed to handle an 80,000-pound truck traveling 70 mph. In the United States, road beds are 39 inches, whereas in Europe they are 53 inches. Without the proper design, we have torn-up roads. * Re the March 23 `Speak Up' comment that Dayton Police Officer Michael McDonald was right when he did what he did to the girl at Wendy's: If it had been the caller he had confronted, I doubt he or she would feel that way. He should have gone to the manager about it first and explained the situation.
* If all police officers were like Dayton Officer Michael McDonald, the youth of Dayton would have more respect for police. He did nothing wrong, and that girl at Wendy's had no right to resist arrest.
* If Officer Michael McDonald is reinstated to the Dayton police force, it should be to a desk job far away from any public contact. He should also have to reimburse the city for all expenses. * If all officers were like Officer McDonald, the city of Dayton would be broke.
DAYTON - A state appeals court Friday ordered Dayton Police Officer Michael McDonald reinstated to the Dayton Police Academy while the city of Dayton asks the same court to overturn his full reinstatement.
McDonald, 35, was suspended without pay July 24, 1998, for pepper-spraying a Wendy's employee. Later he was fired but acquitted of a misdemeanor assault charge that arose from the incident. Lt. Col. John Compston said plans were being made Friday to return McDonald to the Academy on Monday. Susan D. Jansen is an attorney for the Fraternal Order of Police, which, as McDonald's representative, won arbitration that ordered his reinstatement. She said she was pleased with Friday's decision by Judges Thomas J. Grady, William H. Wolff Jr. and Mike Fain of the 2nd District Court of Appeals. `We're anxious for him to return to the Academy,' Jansen said. * On June 28, 1999, an arbitrator reinstated McDonald, saying he did not use unnecessary force on Brandy Martin, then 17, and his unprofessional conduct did not justify dismissal. City attorneys appealed to Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey E. Froelich. * On Dec. 22, the city commission approved paying $60,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by Brandy Martin's mother. * On Jan. 24, Froelich upheld the arbitrator's decision to reinstate McDonald. * On Jan. 26, the city announced McDonald would be permitted to return to work. He began working at the Dayton Police Academy two days later. * On Feb. 2, the city told the courts it would appeal Froelich's decision and also asked Froelich to uphold the city's right to postpone taking McDonald back, even though McDonald was already working at the Academy. * On Feb. 17, Froelich found he was legally bound to grant the city's request to postpone McDonald's return to work while it appealed his decision. The FOP made the next move and asked the appeals court to overrule Froelich on whether McDonald could return to work during further appeals. The appellate panel found Froelich had correctly followed its 1992 ruling on a similar case, so it had no authority to change his decision. But then the appeals court took a different path. It found that it had the authority to order the city to take McDonald back at the Academy if he could show he had suffered `manifest and extreme injustice.' The appeals court focused on two decisions the city made in late January. First, it offered McDonald an Academy spot while it mulled further appeals. Second, after deciding to appeal, it kicked McDonald out of the Academy after he had quit a civilian job he took when he was dismissed in 1998. `We conclude that McDonald will suffer manifest and extreme prejudice unless the city . . .' is prevented from releasing him during the appeal,' the court said. `. . . McDonald's restricted assignment will permit the city to avoid any risk that arguably might result to the public safety from returning him to patrol duties.' Compston said McDonald would receive back pay retroactive to Feb. 17 when he was forced out of the Academy job.Copyright, 2000, Cox Ohio Publishing. All rights reserved.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Labels: Branding, Brutality, Dayton, Ohio, Pepper Spray, Police, Public Opinion, Suspension
Hit me! Hit me! - Security Goes Overboard and Gets Secured
Random Footbal Fan: "I'm just a drunk football fan who wants to storm the field with my team flag for abotu 2 minutes. Wait, it looks like its only going to be about 37 seconds. Ouch! I knew that was coming, no wait, why is he still hitting me? Security!"
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Fans, Fighting, Football, Fun, Hitting, Police, Public Outrage, Redemption, Security, Soccer
SMART CAR - (Impact Testing)
I've been alittle intrigued about this little gem of a car. I think its tiny body and cool lines are a plus to all vehicles. there are doubts of its safety. Here's a little clip to show that this little tike actually holds up well despite its size. There are questions as it hits the streets of America, the home of Grand Theft Auto, and other sorts of crazy car sports. With a car this small with this give you the advantage in teh case of road rage or not? It's top speed of 90 mph won't have you dusting the competition, but at just under 5 ft. wide you can definitely go Jason Bourne on thier ass! Check out this video.
Posted by
2:06 AM
Labels: Cars, Fast, Fun, Green, New Technology, Smart Car, Stunt Driving, Suzuki
Apple Does It Again......Or not?
On Wednesday Apple Inc. unveiled the new line of iPods & iPhones to us all. The products are great, and of course Apple pushed the level a little higher with new interface design and WiFi capabilities. I wish I had the time to go into the detail of the products, but that's not on the agenda. What is on the agenda is the crowd. This may not be the first time that you've heard about the special events from apple, however, in the 90's when Apple's stock was in the $8 range the crowd was different. When Steve Jobs showed the world the Power Mac G3 the crowd was so enthused that he had to stop the presentation to let the ovation continue. The product itself was awesome. I didn't own one, but I did work with one. These were the "Pre-iPod" days and thing at Apple were not all rosy once Steve re-emerged as the CEO. My associates and I (my friends) suspected that Apple would take a shot at the PC market share guerrilla style. I was right that they would do a great job of putting "Apple" in your pocket. Apple is in your pocket and everywhere else on your body. Mission accomplished! The OS(Operating System) front was a tricky one, but by teaching people what Apple was through the iPod the brand began to seep through. Fast forward to now and back to the crowd. I download every special event because there are always gems to see in them. Early this summer there was an event where the new iMacs where unveiled. The crowd was into it as usual, but not impressed. Every iPhone preview was always extraordinary for me, because the rumors had been going around for so long. The demo where the guy is talking to Steve always seemed hokey, but it gave me chills to think that there were more business and investor types in the crowd versus the geeks that used to be there that were enthused about the brand. At Macworld, I was shocked to now see Steve crowd surf when he unveiled the iPhone. As Apple become more mainstream can it be that the crowd is less impressed with Apple, Steve, or the product? This makes me think of what comes next? I think Apple has lost its ability to out maneuver its market. The brand itself is always above the curve, but I don't see the raving fans (i.e. Tom Peters and the like) that the crowd used to be. I think that its the trimming down of the steps between you and what you want. The deal with Starbuck's is going to set fire to how Apple will take another small step towards immersing us with their presence and simplicity. Now your store will reach out to your iPod and ask you if you want its music or product. Sneaky little bastards!
Posted by
1:19 AM
Labels: AppleComputer, Branding, Clever, Messages, Revolution
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Random sighting of a cool brand.
Have you ever met someone you instantly did not like? Of course you have. I think we all have at some point in time.
What is it about that person that instantly communicates such a strong message? I'm sure that most of the message
Was communicated without much effort at all. I'm no guru to this subject but I think it’s the combination of communication
That gives this instant connection to you disliking a person place or thing. Whether is body language, facial expression,
Odor, manner of speech, or the words a person uses the message tends to hits you on multiple fronts. With most Marketing
There is a message that has to be figured out after it communicated. I think that the person "is" the message and that is the
Point where the confusion or effectiveness of a message is lost. The product is the message so the process is a hybrid of both
Tactile object and experience in one. The impression left by this type of experience is one of learning and does not leave a person's
Thought any time soon. When you think of catch phrases that are thrown around today try to think of a product or service that is
It's experience versus the service being separated from the slogan. Once you think of the product or service think of how its managed
To imbed itself in the mind of its audience? The answers that you come up with will be surprisingly simple.
Friday, August 31, 2007
What's your name?
I've finally decided to put my name into words. this will be a work in process, but I'm think that it will not take long to find the perfect combination.
Name: Dub or dub (For the purposes of this blog) -dub-
Let's spread this out.
Direct Uncouth Bastard
Determined Usurping Branding
Those are just two for the moment. Let ms know what you think?
Posted by
3:28 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Crazy World
If you want to see an inter species threesome here ya go!
Posted by
11:46 AM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
What You Stand For
When you're in your nineties and looking back, it's not going to be how much money you made or how many awards you've won. It's really, what did you stand for. Did you make a positive difference for people?
-Elizabeth Dole
Posted by
10:23 PM